王常慧 教授

发布时间:2022-06-26 来源:  点击:


姓     名:王常慧

学     科:草  学


电子邮件 :changhui.wang@sxau.edu.cnwangchanghui_jo@163.com

通讯地址 :山西省晋中市太谷区铭贤南路1号山西农业大学


邮政编码 :030801






1994/09 - 1998/07,山西农业大学畜牧专业,获农学学士学位

1999/09 - 2002/07,山西农业大学动物营养与饲料科学专业,获农学硕士学位

2002/09 - 2005/07,中国科学院植物研究所生态学,获理学博士学位


1998/07 - 1999/09, 山西交城县交城中学工作

2005/07 - 2006/10, 中国科学院植物研究所 实习研究员

2006/11 - 2014/12, 中国科学院植物研究所 助理研究员

2010/012013/03, 德国亥姆霍兹(Helmholtz)国家研究中心联合会卡尔斯鲁厄(Karlsruhe)研究中心 气象、气候与大气环境研究所 访问学者、博士后交流项目

2014/11-2020/10, 中国科学院植物研究所 副研究员

2020/11- 至今, 山西农业大学草业学院 教授






从事草地土壤氮循环方面的研究,主要关注全球气候变化(增温,降水格局改变,氮沉降等)和人为干扰(放牧,割草,翻耕,施肥等)对草地生态系统氮循环过程的影响。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项,科技部国家重点研发子课题2项、以及中国科学院先导专项子课题,国家重点实验室,教育部重点实验室等项目10余项。在《Global Change Biology》、《Functional Ecology》、《Soil Biology & Biochemistry》、《Plant and Soil》、《Geoderma》、《植物生态学报》、《应用生态学报》等学术期刊以第一或通讯作者发表论文近50篇。获山西省科技进步二等奖2项。


1. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A) “美丽中国”生态文明科技工程专项 专题: 北方保护区植被恢复技术研发(XDA230804022019.01.01-2023.12.31)主持,在研

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:不同草地生态系统氮转化及功能微生物对极端干旱的响应 (31770526, 2018.01.01-2021.12.31)主持,在研

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:生态脆弱区资源环境要素对全球变化响应的过程机理(2017YFA0604802, 2017.07.01-2022.06.30) 主持,在研

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题:刈牧管理和资源管理与水分-养分-能量过程的相互作用及均衡调控原理 (2016YFC0500703, 2016.07.01- 2021.06.30)主持,在研

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目降雨格局变化对内蒙古草地生态系统土壤微生物与氮转化的影响41573063, 2016.01.01-2019.12.31) 主持,结题

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目半干旱草地生态系统氮循环对不同放牧和割草强度的响应机理31572452, 2016.01.01-2019.12.31) 骨干,结题

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目大气氮沉降对羊草草原植物-微生物氮素竞争的影响31170455, 2012.01.01-2015.12.31)主持,结题

8. 国家科技部攻关项目防沙治沙关键技术研究与示范子课题草地退化机理研究2008.01.01-2011.12.31)主持,结题

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目内蒙古温带草原土壤氮矿化过程对全球变化和人为干扰的响应30570278, 2006.01.01-2008.12.31)主持,结题



1. Wang NN, Li L, Dannenmann M, Luo YK, Xu XH, Zhang BW, Chen SP, Dong KH, Huang JH, Xu XF, Wang CH#.  (2021) Seasonality of gross ammonification and nitrification altered by  precipitation in a semi-arid grassland of Northern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108146. (1TOP)

2. Wang CH, Wang NN, Zhu JX, Liu Y, Xu XF, Niu SL, Yu GR, Han XG, He NP# (2018) Soil gross N ammonification and nitrification from tropical to temperate forests in eastern China. Functional Ecology. 32:83-94. (1TOP)

3. Wang CH*,  Chen Z*(equally first co-author), Unteregelsbacher S, Lu HY,  Gschwendtner S, Gasche R, Kolar A, Schloter M, Butterbach-Bahl K,  Dannenmann M#. (2016) Climate change amplifies gross nitrogen  turnover in montane grasslands of Central Europe both in summer and  winter seasons. Global Change Biology. 22(9):2963-2978. (1TOP)

4. Wang CH#Zhu  F, Zhao X, Dong KH. (2014) The effects of N and P additions on  microbial N transformations and biomass on saline-alkaline grassland of  Loess Plateau of Northern China. Geoderma. 213: 419-425. (1TOP)

5. Wang CH, Wan SQ, Xing XR, Zhang L, Han XG#.  (2006) Temperature and soil moisture interactively affected soil net N  mineralization in temperate grassland in Northern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 38: 1101-1111. (1TOP)


1. Diao HJ, Chen XP, Hu SY, Ning QS, Han F, Sun W, Dong KH#, Wang CH#. (2022) The response of soil respiration to different N compounds addition in a saline-alkaline grassland of Northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology (accepted)

2. Wang YL, Hasi MQE, Bu DD, Li A, Xue JG, Wang CH, Tian QY, Niu GX, Geng QQ, Wang LX, Huang JH# (2022) Nitrogen addition results in Medicago sativa switching nitrogen sources Plant Ecology & Diversity (TPED). doi.org/10.1080/17550874. 2021.2007309

3. Xu L, Cao HL, Li CN, Wang CH,  He NP, Hu SY, Yao MJ, Wang GT, Wang JM, Zhou SG, Li XZ*. (2022) The  importance of rare versus abundant phoD-harboring subcommunities in  driving soil alkaline phosphatase activity and available P content in  Chinese steppe ecosystems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 164:108491

4. Diao HJ, Chen XP, Zhao X, Dong KH#, Wang CH#. (2022) Effects of nitrogen addition and precipitation alteration on soil respiration and its components in a saline-alkaline grassland. Geoderma. DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115541

5. Xu L, He NP, Li XZ, Cao HL, Li CN, Wang RL, Wang CH,  Yao MJ, Zhou SG, Wang JM. (2021) Local community assembly processes  shape B-diversity of soil phoD-harbouring communities in the Northern  Hemispere steppes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.13385.

6. Diao HJ, Kardol P, Dong KH#, Wang CH#. (2021) Effects of nitrogen addition and mowing on nitrogen - and water - use efficiency of Artemisia frigida in a degraded grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology.doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtab006.

7. Wang NN, Li L, Dannenmann M, Luo YK, Xu XH, Zhang BW, Chen SP, Dong KH, Huang JH, Xu XF, Wang CH#.  (2021) Seasonality of gross ammonification and nitrification altered by  precipitation in a semi-arid grassland of Northern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108146.

8. Wang NN, Li L, Zhang BW, Chen SP, Sun W, Luo YK, Dong KH, Han XG, Huang JH#, Xu XF, Wang CH#. (2020) Population Turnover Promotes Fungal Stability. Journal of Plant Ecology. 13:499-509.

9. Liu Y*, Wang CH*(equally  first co-author), Xu L, He NP (2020) Effect of grazing exclusion on the  temperature sensitivity of soil net nitrogen mineralization in Inner  Mongolian grasslands. European Journal of Soil Biology. 97:103171.

10. Wang NN, Wang CH#,  Dannenmann M, Butterbach-Bahl K , Huang JH. (2020) Response of  microbial community and net nitrogen turnover to modify climate change  in Alpine meadow. Applied Soil Ecology. 152:103553.

11. Luo YK, Wang CH#, Shen Y, Sun W, Dong KH#.  (2019) The interactive effects of mowing and N addition did not weaken  soil net N mineralization rates in semi-arid grassland of Northern  China. Scientific Reports. 9:13457.

12. Zhao X, Hu SY, Dong J, Ren M, Zhang XL, Dong KH, Wang CH#  (2019) Effects of spring fire and slope on the aboveground biomass, and  C and N dynamics in a semi-arid grassland of northern China. Journal of Arid Land. 11 (2): 267-279.

13. Wang CH, Wang NN, Zhu JX, Liu Y, Xu XF, Niu SL, Yu GR, Han XG, He NP# (2018) Soil gross N ammonification and nitrification from tropical to temperate forests in eastern China. Functional Ecology. 32:83-94.

14. Song XL, Zhu JX#, He NP, Huang JH, Tian J, Zhao X, Liu Y, Wang CH#  (2017) Asychronous pulse responses of soil carbon and nitrogen  mineralization to rewetting events at a short-term: Regulation by  microbes. Scientific Reports. 7:7492.

15. Liu Y*, Wang CH* (equally first co-author), He NP #, Wen XF, Gao Y, Li SG, Niu SL, Butterbach-Bahl K, Yu GR #  (2017) A global synthesis of the rate and temperature sensitivity of  soil nitrogen mineralization: latitudinal patterns and mechanisms. Global Change Biology. 23:455-464.

16. Wang CH*,  Chen Z*(equally first co-author), Unteregelsbacher S, Lu HY,  Gschwendtner S, Gasche R, Kolar A, Schloter M, Butterbach-Bahl K,  Dannenmann M#. (2016) Climate change amplifies gross nitrogen  turnover in montane grasslands of Central Europe both in summer and  winter seasons. Global Change Biology. 22(9):2963-2978.

17. Chen Z*, Wang CH*(equally first co-author), Gschwendtner S, Willibald G, Kolar A, Schloter M, Butterbach-bahl K, Dannenmann M#.  (2015) Relationships between denitrification gene expression,  dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and nitrous oxide and  dinitrogen production in montane grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 87:67-77.

18. Wang CH, Butterbach-bahl K, Wang QB, Xing XR, Han XG#. (2015) Nitrogen addition and mowing affect microbial nitrogen transformations in a C4 grassland in northern China. European Journal of Soil Science. 66:485-495.

19. Quan Q*, Wang CH*(equally  first co-author), He NP#, Zhang Z, Wen XF, Su HX, Wang Q, Xue JY.  (2014) Forest type affects the coupled relationships of soil C and N  mineralization in the temperate forests of northern China. Scientific Reports. 4:6584.

20. Wang CH#Zhu  F, Zhao X, Dong KH. (2014) The effects of N and P additions on  microbial N transformations and biomass on saline-alkaline grassland of  Loess Plateau of Northern China. Geoderma. 213: 419-425.

21. Wang CH#, Dannenmann M, Meier R, Butterbach-Bahl K. (2014) Inhibitory and side effects of acetylene (C2H2) and sodium chlorate (NaClO3) on gross nitrification, gross ammonification and soil-atmosphere exchange of N2O and CH4 in acidic to neutral montane grassland soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. 65: 7-14.

22. Wang CH, Butterbach-Bahl K, Han Y, Wang QB, Zhang LH, Han XG, Xing XR#.  (2011) The effects of biomass removal and N additions on microbial N  transformations and biomass at different vegetation types in an  old-field ecosystem in northern China. Plant and Soil. 340: 397-411.

23. Wang CH, Han XG, Xing XR#.  (2010) Effects of grazing exclusion on soil net nitrogen mineralization  and nitrogen availability in a temperate steppe in northern China. Journal of Arid Environments. 74: 1287-1293.

24. Wang CH, Wan SQ, Xing XR, Zhang L, Han XG#.(2006)  Temperature and soil moisture interactively affected soil net N  mineralization in temperate grassland in Northern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 38: 1101-1111.

25. Niu GX, Hasi M, Wang RZ, Wang YL, Geng QQ, Hu SY, Xu XH, Wang CH, Han XG, Huang JH#. (2021) Soil microbial community responses to long-term nitrogen at different soil depths in atypical steppe. Applied Soil Ecology. 167:104054

26. Niu GX, Wang RZ, Hasi MQ, Wang YL, Geng QQ, Wang CH, Jiang Y, Huang JH#.  (2021) Availability of soil base cations and micronutrients along soil  profile after 13-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid  grassland. Biogeochemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-020-00749-5.

27. Li ZL, Zeng ZQ, Tian DS, Wang JS, Fu Z, Wang BX, Tang Z, Chen WN, Chen H, Wang CH, Yi CX, Niu SL#. (2020) The stoichiometry of soil microbial biomass determines metabolic quotient of nitrogen mineralization. Environmental Research Letters. 15:034005.

28. Zistl-Schlingmann M, Feng JC, Kiese R, Stepnen R, Zuazo P, Willibald G., Wang CH, Butterbach-Bahl K, Dannenmann M#. (2019) Dinitrogen emissions: an overlooked key component of the N balance of montane grasslands. Biogeochemistry. 143:15-30.

29. Li ZL, Tian DS, Wang BX, Wang JS, Xu XF, Wang CH, He NP, Niu SL#. (2019) Microbes drive global soil nitrogen mineralization availability. Global Change Biology. 25:1078-1088.

30. Zhang YH, Wang J, Stevens CJ, Lü XT, He NP, Wang CH, Han XG. (2018) Effects of the frequency and the rate of N enrichment on community structure in a temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology. 11:685-695.

31. Zhang LH, Guo DF, Niu SL, Wang CH, Shao CL, Li LH#. (2012) Effects of mowing on methane uptake in a semiarid grassland in northern China. PlosOne. 7(4): e35952.

32. Han Y, Zhang Z, Wang CH, Jiang FH, Xia JY#.  (2012) Effects of mowing and nitrogen addition on soil respiration in  three patches in an old field grassland in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology-UK. 5(2): 219-228.

33. Liu WX, Xu WH, Han Y, Wang CH, Wan SQ#.  (2007) Responses of microbial biomass and respiration of soil to  topography, burning, and nitrogen fertilization in a temperate steppe. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 44: 259-268.

34. 杨建强,曹梦琪,胡姝娅,王常慧#2021)内蒙古不同类型草地土壤氨氧化细菌和古菌的比较研究. 草地学报. 42 (12):1734-1739.

35. 秦佳敏,曹颖,郝杰,陈晓鹏,王常慧#,董宽虎# (2021) 不同水平氮添加和刈割对内蒙古草原植被碳氮库的影响. 草地学报(接收)

36. 杨建强, 刁华杰,胡姝娅,王常慧#. (2021) 不同水平氮添加对盐渍化草地土壤微生物特征的影响. 植物生态学报 45 (7) :780-789.

37. 杨建强, 刁华杰, 胡姝娅, 陈晓鹏,王常慧#. 2021)氮磷添加对盐渍化草地土壤微生物特征的影响. 环境科学42 (12): 6058-6066.

38. 郑慧, 薛江博, 桂建华, 秦加敏, 郝杰, 陈晓鹏, 王常慧#, 董宽虎 (2021) 放牧强度对华北农牧交错带典型草地土壤化学计量特征的短期影响. 应用生态学报 32(7): 2433-2439.

39. 王岩, 刁华杰, 董宽虎, 王常慧, 赵威 2021)降水变化与氮添加对晋北盐碱化草地土壤净氮矿化速率的影响. 应用生态学报 32(7): 2389-2396.

40. 王银柳,耿倩倩,黄建辉,王常慧,李磊,哈斯木其尔,牛国祥. (2021)氮肥和种植密度对达乌里胡枝子的生长与生物固氮的影响 植物生态学报. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0185.

41. 徐小惠, 刁华杰,申颜,王岩,董宽虎,王常慧#. (2021)华北盐碱化草地土壤净氮矿化速率对不同水平氮添加的响应. 植物生态学报. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0153.

42. 薄元超,王惠玲,刘夏琳,任雨佳,刁华杰,王常慧,董宽虎#. (2020) 盐碱化草地生态系统土壤呼吸对不同水平氮添加的短期响应 草业学报. (接收)

43. 王惠玲, 刁华杰, 崔乐乐, 薄元超, 刘夏琳, 任雨佳, 郝杰, 李扬, 申颜, 王常慧#, 董宽虎#. (2020) 北方农牧交错带典型草地土壤呼吸及其组分对刈割强度的响应. 草地学报. 28(5):1403-1411.

44. 胡姝娅,刁华杰,王惠玲,薄元超,申颜,孙伟,董宽虎,黄建辉,王常慧#(2020) .北方农牧交错带温性盐碱化草地土壤呼吸对不同形态氮添加和刈割的响应. 植物生态学报. 44(1):70-79

45. 任雨佳, 刘夏琳, 王惠玲, 刁华杰, 王常慧#, 董宽虎#. (2020) 北方农牧交错带赖草草地土壤氮矿化对不同放牧强度的响应. 草地学报. 28(2):328-337.

46. 李磊,王岩,胡姝娅,李阳,申颜,庾强,黄建辉,王常慧#. (2020) 草甸草原土壤碳/氮矿化潜力及土壤微生物水分敏感性对极端干旱的响应. 应用生态学报. 31(3):814-820.

47. 蒯晓妍, 邢鹏飞, 张晓琳, 王常慧#,董宽虎#. (2019) 短期不同水平氮添加对农牧交错带草地植物群落多样性和生产力的影响. 中国草地学报. 41(5):104-110.

48. 单玉梅, 温超, 常虹, 张璞进, 晔薷罕, 木兰, 王常慧, 黄建辉, 白永飞, 孙海莲, 陈海军#. (2019) 不同放牧强度下荒漠草原土壤氮矿化季节性动态研究. 生态环境学报. 28(4): 723-731.

49. 卜冬冬, 李昂, 王银柳, 王常慧, 黄建辉#. (2019) 氮素和植物生长促进剂对羊草生长及竞争力的影响. 应用生态学报. 30(8): 2667-2674.

50. 李阳,徐小惠,孙伟,申颜,任婷婷,黄建辉,王常慧#. (2019) 不同形态和水平的氮添加对内蒙古草甸草原土壤净氮矿化潜力的影响. 植物生态学报. 43(2):174-184.

51. 董斅晓,薄元超,张晓琳,贺婷婷,王常慧#,董宽虎#. (2019) 农牧交错带半干旱草地生态系统土壤呼吸对短期不同放牧强度的响应. 草地学报. 27(1):53-62.

52. 董斅晓,薄元超,张晓琳,王常慧#,董宽虎#. (2019) 农牧交错带半干旱草地生态系统CO2交换对短期不同水平氮添加的响应. 草业学报. 28(5):163-170.

53. 邢鹏飞, 李刚, 陈晓鹏, 李德颖, 王常慧, 董宽虎, 赵祥#. (2019) 放牧对晋北农牧交错带赖草草地生态系统碳交换的影响 草业学报. 28(10): 1-11.

54. 蒯晓妍,邢鹏飞,张晓琳,梁艳,王常慧#,董宽虎#. (2018) 短期放牧强度对半干旱草地植物群落多样性和生产力的影响. 草地学报. 26(6):1283-1289.

55. 申颜,孙建平,罗玉坤,刁华杰,闫卫东,王常慧#,董宽虎#. (2018) 短期放牧对半干旱草地生态系统CO2N2O排放的影响. 环境科学. 39 (11):5237-5245.

56. 刘碧荣,王常慧#,张丽华,董宽虎#. (2015) 氮素添加和刈割对内蒙古弃耕草地土壤氮矿化的影响. 生态学报.  35 (19): 6335-6343.

57. 刘碧荣,王常慧#,黄建辉,王其兵,董宽虎#. (2014) 15N库稀释法和15N示踪法在草地生态系统氮转化过程研究中的应用——方法与进展. 草地学报. 22 (6): 1153-1162.

58. 王常慧,邢雪荣#,韩兴国. (2004) 草地生态系统中土壤氮素矿化影响因素的研究进展. 应用生态学报. 15: 2184-2188.

59. 王常慧,邢雪荣,韩兴国#. (2004) 温度和湿度对我国内蒙古羊草草原土壤净碳矿化的影响. 生态学报. 24: 2472-2476.

60. 王常慧,杨建强,王永新,董宽虎#. (2004) 不同刈割方式对苜蓿草粉营养价值的影响. 中国生态农业学报. 12: 140-144.

61. 王常慧,杨建强,王永新,赵祥,董宽虎#. (2004) 不同生育期,不同干燥方法对苜蓿草粉营养成分的影响. 动物营养学报. 16: 60-64.

62. 董宽虎,王常慧#, 牧原. (2003) 干燥方法对苜蓿草粉营养价值的影响. 草地学报. 11(4):334-337.

63. 王常慧, 董宽虎#. (2002) 冷季型草坪的建植与养护管理.草原与草坪. 2: 51-52

64. 王常慧, 董宽虎#. (2002) 优质苜蓿草粉的生产与加工.中国饲料.9: 29-30.

65. 王常慧, 杨建强, 董宽虎#. (2001) 砷的生物功能及营养作用.中国饲料.9.


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